Oyebanji Unveils N12 Billion Relief Package Amid Economic Downturn

Taiwo Ajayi
3 Min Read

In response to the prevailing economic challenges, Governor Biodun Oyebanji of Ekiti State has greenlit a comprehensive relief plan totaling N12 billion, aimed at easing the burden on residents.

The relief programs encompass various initiatives, including the settlement of outstanding salary arrears amounting to over N2.7 billion for state and local government employees. This move signifies the government’s commitment to clearing wage obligations, with assurances that arrears for local government workers will also be settled within the year.


Additionally, the governor has sanctioned a monthly increase of N600 million in subvention for autonomous institutions, facilitating the implementation of wage adjustments in line with those for state and local government workers.

To address pension concerns, the governor has approved the payment of two months’ pension arrears totaling N1.5 billion for state and local government retirees. Furthermore, there will be a monthly gratuity increment for local government pensioners, raising the total monthly payout to N200 million.

In a bid to bolster food production, particularly through agricultural interventions, the state government has allocated N1 billion. This fund will support land preparation, tractorization schemes, and input supply programs to aid small-scale farmers.

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Moreover, Ekiti State is set to leverage a portion of the World Bank-funded Livestock Productivity and Resilience Support Project, allocating N1.2 billion to enhance the livestock sector. This initiative aims to empower livestock farmers, enhance productivity, and foster youth and private sector engagement in livestock enterprises.

The relief package also encompasses support for small and medium-scale businesses, including a N500 million loan program in partnership with Access Bank and a N1 billion cooperative fund for low-interest working capital.

Furthermore, the initiatives extend to social welfare schemes, such as conditional cash transfers, CARES programs, and free healthcare services, including malaria treatment for the elderly and children, and free delivery for pregnant women.

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The governor emphasized that these measures complement existing infrastructure projects across the state, with a focus on enhancing power supply and reducing logistics costs.

As part of the relief efforts, free bus services will be provided for students and workers within select areas, while food distribution to all wards will be coordinated by local councils and community associations.

Governor Oyebanji reiterated his administration’s dedication to the welfare of citizens and urged cooperation from residents in supporting government initiatives aimed at fostering economic growth and shared prosperity, aligning with the agenda set forth by President Bola Tinubu.

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