Power Shortage in Yobe State Causes Water Scarcity

Taiwo Ajayi
1 Min Read

The shortage of power supply in Yobe State has led to water scarcity for residents of the state and people in the Damaturu metropolis.

Affected areas in the state capital include Alimarami, Ajari, Pawari, Shagari low-cost, Nayinawa, and Pompomari.


Public boreholes in these areas are connected to the national grid to generate and pump water. However, due to the power shortage, residents are facing acute water scarcity, with the cost of a cart of 12 jerry cans of water from commercial boreholes ranging from N800 to N1000 in some areas.

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In response to the situation, Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni, has directed the distribution of diesel to all boreholes in Damaturu and its environs to alleviate the problem. The governor assured residents that the state has enough diesel for distribution to power all boreholes in the affected areas, promising a swift resolution to the water scarcity issue.

The water scarcity has been exacerbated by the destruction of a 330KV electricity line by suspected Boko Haram members last month, making it difficult to power borehole generators that supply potable water to residents.

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