The Nigerian Institution of Structural Engineers Advocates Stricter Measures to Control Engineering Practice

Olivia Pressman
3 Min Read

The Nigerian Institution of Structural Engineers (NIStructE) has called for stricter measures to regulate engineering practice and impose penalties on professionals who fail to comply with regulations.

This call comes in response to the frequent infrastructural failures in the country, which have put immense pressure on the engineering community, particularly civil and structural engineers.

Speaking at the investiture ceremony of Johnson Adegboyega Adeyoye as the 22nd president of NIStructE, Prof. Ikponmwosa Ewaen emphasized the need for the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) to ensure that practicing licenses and seals issued to engineers specify their specialization and practice areas.

He identified structural defects as the leading cause of building collapse and urged engineers to adhere to ethical standards or face sanctions.

Ewaen stated, “For any infrastructure that fails in Nigeria, the first culprit or the first accused professional is the engineer.

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This explains why the burden of infrastructural collapses in Nigeria should be borne by the engineers, particularly the structural/civil engineers.”

He also called for a re-engineering of the national character of engineers in line with global best practices to prevent further infrastructure collapses.

Ewaen acknowledged past errors in managing crises but emphasized that stricter measures would improve engineering practice in Nigeria.

In his inaugural speech, Adeyoye highlighted the importance of regulations in shaping various sectors of the economy, including structural engineering. He urged the Standards Organisation of Nigeria to ensure that all cement brands for construction purposes meet minimum global standards.

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Adeyoye also advocated for the establishment of materials testing centers in all states and encouraged institutions of higher learning to participate in quality control and assurance services.

Adeyoye expressed concern over the high prices of cement and other construction materials in Nigeria, noting that this could lead to continued incidents of building collapse. He called on the government to take action to ensure reasonable and affordable prices for these materials.

The NIStructE, founded in Lagos in 1967, aims to provide professional training and development opportunities in the field of structural engineering in Nigeria.

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